
# ICC/IHC/FI, Ca2+ transient, time-lapse imaging techniques, and AI analysis technologies.

Immunocytechemistry/Immunohistochemistry/Fluorecent Image

We conduct compound evaluation using techniques that quantify cell morphology and expression from immunostained images of cultured cells and tissue sections, coupled with AI analysis.


Ca2+ Transient

We possess technologies for acquiring data on Ca2+ transients and for simultaneous measurements with MEA. We have developed techniques for accurately detecting peaks from Ca2+ transient waveform data and employ multivariate and AI analysis techniques. With these capabilities, we have experience analyzing over 1000 compounds.


Time-lapse imaging

We evaluate developmental neurotoxicity and other parameters using time-lapse imaging of unstained or fluorescently stained cells.

References (excerpts)

K. Matsuda, X Han, N. Matsuda, M. Yamanaka, I Suzuki*,  Development of an In Vitro Assessment Method for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) by Integrating a Microphysiological System (MPS) with Morphological Deep Learning of Soma and Axonal Images, Toxics 11(10) 848, 2023 DOI

R. Yokoi, N Nagafuku, Y. Ishibashi, N. Matsuda, I Suzuki*,  Contraindicated Drug Responses in Dravet Syndrome Brain Organoids Utilizing Micro Electrode Array Assessment Methods, Organoids 2(4) 177-191, 2023 DOI

A Odawara, M Shibata, Y Ishibashi, N Nagafukum N matsuda, I Suzuki* In Vitro Pain Assay Using Human iPSC-Derived Sensory Neurons and Microelectrode Array. Toxicological Sciences. 2022 188(1):131-141. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfac045 DOI

R Yokoi, T Kuroda, N Matsuda, A Odawara, I Suzuki*. Electrophysiological responses to seizurogenic compounds dependent on E/I balance in human iPSC-derived cortical neuronal networks. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2022 148(2):267-278. doi: 10.1016/j.jphs.2021.12.006 DOI

Odawara, A., Katoh, H., Matsuda N., and Suzuki, I.* “Physiological maturation and drug responses of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neuronal networks in long-term culture”Scientific Reports, 6, 26181(2016)DOI

Odawara, A., Gotoh, M., and Suzuki, I.* “A three-dimensional neuronal culture technique that controls the direction of neurite elongation and the position of soma to mimic the layered structure of the brain”RSC Advances 3(45) (2013) pp. 23620-23630. DOI