About us

Origin of the company name

We named our company VitroVo with the meaning of connecting in vitro and in vivo, aiming to provide in vitro studies that can be extrapolated in vivo. In recent years, in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) has become a term widely used internationally.

About Us
Company Name VitroVo, Inc.
Name of Representative Representative Director and CEO: Ryusuke Nagashima
Representative Director: Ikuro Suzuki

YUI NOS Room 9, Urbannet Sendai Chuo Building, 3F, 4-4-19 Chuo, Aoba ward, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-0021, Japan

VitroVo. inc, Laboratory, Tohoku Institute of Technology No. 4 Building B4, 35-1 Yagiyama Kasumicho, Taihaku ward, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8577, Japan

  1. Technical development, technical guidance, contract research, and consulting services related to the evaluation of chemical compounds for nerve cells, cardiac cells, and other cells derived from primates and various other animals, including humans
  2. Establishment of technologies for evaluating the efficacy and safety of chemical substances using electrophysiological analysis, sales of related cells, reagents, and equipment, and consulting services for these activities
  3. Screening of candidate compounds for pharmaceuticals
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI, hereinafter referred to as “AI”) (ii) Technical development, technical guidance, contracted research, and consulting services related to the solution of social problems using artificial intelligence (AI, hereafter referred to as “AI”)
  5. All operations incidental to the preceding items
Established December 27, 2023
Capital 7 million yen
Number of employees 9


December, 2023 Established as Tohoku Institute of Technology's first university-launched venture


Contribution to society

We support the activities of CSAHi, a public interest consortium.


+81 50 1721 8132